
The male child against the dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns (Revel. 12-1-6)

The pope, the catholic church and with her all Catholics on the whole world (Italians with Erythreans etc.) are the only criminal of war of the second world war and of all other wars with all their casualties on this world, because the popes have given the order to all wars, to kill on earth with their wrong doctrine.(Revel. 18.24)

Because the popes lay claim to be infallible in the doctrine, to be only saving with the catholic church, wherewith all other believers, that is Protestants, Anglicans, Orthodoxes, Jews, Moslems etc. are slandered as heretics, which slander of the Holy Ghost is unforgiveable for all Catholics.(Mark. 3.28-30)

In the encyclical of the 8. December 1864 the pope Pius IX. (as ungodly of John 16.2-3) put under the ban all witnesses of Jesus, which persist in their liberty of conscience (1. John 2.18-27) and in their liberty of faith (Luke 9.49-50) and deny the right of the catholic church to kill them, wherewith the pope (Pius IX., Pius V. etc.) persist in the wrong, to be permitted to kill all believers as pretended heretics.(Ellen G. White, Der grosse Kampf, page 565)

With the pretended dogma of the infallibility from the 18. July 1870 (K. Deschner, Der gefälschte Glaube, page 164) the order of the pope, to be permitted to kill all pretended heretics is raised up to the pretended infallible doctrine of the popes. This doctrine of abomination of the popes is confirmed by the words of pope Leo XIII., where he teaches: Cursed is the opinion, that the holy ghost wants not, that we kill the heretics.(=saints and witnesses of Jesus, Revel. 17.6; Edmond Paris, Die geheime Geschichte der Jesuiten, page 130)

Therefore all Catholics are taught from on early childhood, that the pope is the pretended substitute of God on earth, the pretended successor on the chair of Peter, that he is pretended infallible in the doctrine, the pretended only saving with the catholic church, and that therefore the order of the pope, to kill the other believers as pretended heretics with wars, persecutions pretended be the will of God, and therefore all Catholics believe in these lies.(2. Thess. 2.11-12)

When therefore the pope has ordered and supported Hitler etc. to the second world war against all pretended heretics, in doing so with the pope all Catholics on the whole world were on the side of Hitler, were in hope of his final victory, also when they feigned the contrary before the pretended heretics, in order to deceive, outwit them.(Revel. 17.5, Poland, France etc.)

With the pope and his pretended human right to kill heretics all Catholics on the whole world are guilty of the murder of 6 millions of Jews in the second world war and are guilty of the 55 millions of casualties of the second world war and therefore are guilty of all the blood, which have been done to death on earth (Revel. 18.24), and therefore all Catholics together with all admirers of the catholic beasts Europe and UNO will go into the everlasting damnation.(Revel. 17.1-19.3, 17.8, 20.15)

All Catholics and all admirers of the catholic beasts Europe and UNO can therefor only be freed from their unforgivable sins to death, which today reach unto heaven (Revel. 18.5), when they receive the male child of Revelation 12.1-6 with his books without theft, and keep the commandments of God for the going out of the catholic church and the going out of their beasts Europe and UNO and when they keep the commandment of God for the reestablishment of the free national states in the borders of 1945, before the establishment of the beasts Europe and UNO.(Revel. 18.4-5, 14.6-7)

All men can only be saved, that is partake of the whole grace of God and therewith work the works of God, when they believe the male child in his scriptures, books without theft, keep the commandments of God therein, which male child God has sent today.(John  6.28-29, Revel. 12.1-6) Amen.

©  Copyright 2016    The male child of Revel. 12.1-6     CH-9427/Wolfhalden AR  Schweiz

All rights reserved. Also that of translation. The tract may be copied and distributed, but may not be changed! Amen.

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